When our teacher asked which country we would like to visited I couldn’t just think in one place! There are so many places that seems to be perfect to go … I mean there is France “the city of lights” and Italy and England and Colombia with its tropical beaches. But my number one in my list of “Places I should go before I died” is Spain.

Fallas of Valencia
You see, one of the reasons I would like to visit Spain is because of the amazing culture they have. For example, the people who lived there not only speaks Spanish, you can hear some of them talking in Catalán, Esukera, Occitano, Aragonés, Fala or Astaurleonés.
Also the diversity of Spain culture allowed that each city had their own festivals, making it a multicultural place. The most popular festivals are: “San Fermines” on Pamplona, “Las Fallas” on  Valencia, “La Tomatina” on Buñol and “Moros y Cristianos” on Alicante.

Olite Castle- Navarra, Spain

Castles, and Romanic buildings, and Spain cathedral’s and more castles… What I admire most is the architecture of each city… In Pamplona you have the “Olite real castle” or In Galicia you have “Santiago de Compostela Cathedral" or even the entire Barcelona city is just perfect to admire its architecture. They combined the old with the new century, never forgotten their beautiful history that is in each building.

Spain is a place that I definitely would go and not just for a touristic journey… If I had the opportunity of living there I would accept without  hesitated. I am studding Biochemestry in "Universidad of Chile" and here we’ve got some programs that allowed students made an academic exchange, and I really want to do some academic semesters in University of Barcelona, Cataluña… It’s the most important place in Europe to do research.

Well, someday I will go to Spain and I Promised you to upload pictures of it. 

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in Spain - Splendid architecture
Building in Barcelona city. 


  1. interesting place and beautiful photos

  2. Spain it's a great country to visit, and do research here could be amazing.. Your post was amazing!!! Keep posting girl :3

  3. Great post and pictures. I share your opinion, Spain has a beautiful culture.

  4. Wow, i loved those fotos, I wish you lots luck for the university exchange


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