Post graduate courses


 In my last blog I talked about what kind of job I would like to do and I told you that I wanted to do research in human evolution…But to do that I will have to do more than just complete my biochemical professional degree.

You’ll see, a scientist has the obligation (more than other professionals) to continue studying and making resources on his area. There exist Diplomas, Master Degree and PhD Degree. The idea of this course is to guide the person to get into his specialty and allowing the person to continue making research on it.

In my case I would like to do a Master and then a PhD related on Genome and Bimolecular functions and also in Anthropology. All of this because in the future i want to do human evolution research.
What I am not sure is if I wanted to do it here in Chile or in other country, because it scare me a little bit to be all by myself, but  if I had the opportunity of doing one of these courses outside I will take it without hesitate, of course. Spain is one of the places I will go happy and with no worries to study, because is a place full of scientist culture.

I hope you like it! See you in my next blog…
Hope you have a great weekend… 


  1. Human Genome is something really interesting and amazing!!

  2. wow ,human evolution research, that sounds awesome!!

  3. you're gonna be a great scientific <3

  4. Genome is a really complex theme, loved reading this one!!


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