
Hello you all! Hope you had a good week…

Well, Time is something fragile and short and I believe that is very important to know how to make a good use of it because sometimes life happened and it feels short …

It is important that you have some scape activity’s that make you feel  free and happy. Hanging out with friends and spending time with your family are a choice, but it’s important that you have your own moment alone and  Hobbies are a way to blow off steam

"Cerro Alegre" Valparaiso
My hobbies, or better yet, “Mysan Moments” are two: Basketball and Trekking

I start to play Basketball when I was eleven years old and since the day I walk into that gym I knew that I could never stop playing. In basketball is really important that you made good relations with your team, you are not alone… Years later I joined  to a basketball club and I considerade them like my other family…

Well another thing I like to do just because is trekking or long walks through nature. What I like About it is that time seems to disappear, only exist you and nature and nothing more. Its really relaxing, of course I’m not a pro but doing it makes me happy and free haha I love doing that, I try to do it twice per month.

So basketball and long walks…  What are your hobbies?


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