My holidays in the south...

Hello to all of you, my lovely readers! What I am going to talk about today is something that we all enjoy and we all hope to have more than once per year: Holidays

Holidays, the time of the year that we put all the bad energy’s and stressful experiences out of our life’s and we just enjoy our moment.

When I was a little girl, I remember that holidays were something sacred. My dad always loved the nature, and of course, we always went on camping. But the years passed and for differents reasons we stop going on holiday for like two or three years…

But this summer my parents decided that it was enough. After such a long year  we really deserve took some airfresh so they asked us where we wanted to go, and instantly my two sisters and I said: Camping in the south!!

-Believe it or not, we really missed going on camping-

We went south of Chile and stayed in Llanquihue for one week and a few more. From there we went to Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Frutillar and Chiloé.


Each day was a new kind of experience, I mean… In Frutillar we could enjoy an amazing piece of traditional pie but when we were to Puerto Montt we were enjoy eating Curanto in Angelmó.

Lunch in Angelmó

One day we were having tea in a glamourus coffeshop in Puerto Varas. And the next, we were taking a ferryboat to Chiloé.

Every place has its own charm.

Angelmó, Puerto Montt.

The best part of each day was reaching into the camp and makes some tea and play cards or just talking between us… Without 
work/school worries… without traffic sounds… without concerns… That week was all about Family.

My two sisters and I having fun in Frutillar

 For me, holidays is that… Is spend a few days far from the city and all the stress of living there and only enjoying your family in a peaceful place and just having a good time. And what about you? Where did you go this summer? You prefer spend holidays with your family or with friends?


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