Addicted to something?

Nowadays we live in a world full of changes… day by day appears new kind of technologies, new and improve drugs for different diseases, new recipes, new clothes, new cars, new food for different tastes and for different kind of people…

In this fast and changing world we are more sensitive to develop some addictions in answer to this stressing society. I mean, some people try to silence there sadness with alcohol, wish can make them alcoholics… Others in response of the constant publicities start to buy everything that is on the market… And others can develop some drugs addictions just because they feel too good while the effect is on their bodies and they want to feel always that way…

Addiction has being considered as a disease like any other, in wish one the person looks for extern stimulus to improve their happiness. There are so many different kinds of addictions (to Alcohol, to Caffeine…) and if someone try to stopped, the person will suffer abstinence symptoms- like headaches, dizzy feeling or sickness. - It’s a real problem my friends…

In my case I don’t believe I had develop one… but I think that maybe if I am not careful I could develop internet addiction or cellphone addiction… It’s just… Use my cellphone is something I do every day! I use it to know what class do I have, I use it to communicate with my friends and family and teachers … I use internet while I am studying because I need to look for information and books that could help me to understand what I am studying… (Now that I realized, I use google too much… uh…)

But sometimes I forget my cellphone at home and nothing happens to me, the world still exist and I still being alive! It feels weird to not have it…yes… but I think I could live without it… I really dont want to turn into a 21st century zombie!

Sometimes I just turn off my cellphone and go for a walk, trying to look what is around me without Instagram or facebook… Now that Spring has arrive I dare you to go outside without your cellphone and go for a walk with someone you like, and just be there, having a good time with nothing more than your humanity haha…

See you next week! 


  1. I also have a cellphone addicton!, sometimes i just throw it away!


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