My Future Job...

Hello to all of you! As you must know, I am a first year biochemistry student an  in short words I am preparing myself to be a scientist, and as one of them I will be capable of do different kind of works but always related to life and chemistry and living things or animated things that are associated with life.

Well I had always being in love with nature (wild world)  but also I have this strong interest on how humans had evolve  to became in who we are now… So something I would like to work in the future is on Human Evolution research.  Not only biological (DNA-Vestigial Organs- etc.) one, but also about the evolution of human behavior and learning development.  I would like to travel to different places and taking the trace of our human history and try to decipher what turned us in this human of twenty-first century.

In addition I would like to work as much as with science aspects like with psychological and philosophical side of it.

So I thing the first step to do this in the future –beside of passed the course-  is trying to take major in Biochemistry that will allowed me to get into this evolution world.  

Another thing I would like to do is work on NASA( yes… maybe is something that every kid someday dream to do in his chillwood like turning into an spy haha ) but it would be really interesting to work there. Try to develop mysteries of other worlds and other universes and maybe other dimensions…  

Well wish me look, first of all I need to passed all my course and more important I need to passed this year alive haha

See you in my next blog! 


  1. woooowwww sounds very interesting that of have a job on NASA <3, i really hope that your dream comes true.

  2. woow, NASA? thats amazing!!!


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