Summer holidays!!

Hello to all of you!

In this time of the year I know that everyone wants so bad to go on holidays… We are just tired of all the work done through de year. I think that our bodies are crying to have some relaxing days…
Well what I am going to do this summer? That’s simple… First of all I will going to sleep and sleep and sleep for like an entire month hahah Next I want to spent time with family and friends… Do some picnics, take long night walks through the city, play some music with friends, play basketball and all of that kind of staffs …

But that is not all I wanted to do on summer! Me and some friends would like to spent a week on the beach… One of the girls had a house nearly to Algarrobo so we are planning to go there. We know each other because we all were players of the same basketball team… And like each one has a different things to do, we never get to organized well to do something together, so summer is the perfect time to spend some time together…

Well, also I want to go to some place where I don’t have to worry about to take care of the house, do laundry, do the dishes or have to wake up so early at morning because I had to get to school and that takes me an hour on public bus… So I told my parents that I want to go on camp at summer, maybe to the south or nearly to the beach. I just want to go there and relax…

People… Holidays are coming and our bodies know that! Hahah So we all have to do our best to end this year good -with excellent grades- and wait the summer with hope and joy.

See you next time!


  1. Going on vacations with friends is great and super fun

  2. Camping is a very good idea when you want to get away from all the noise and concerns of the city.

  3. I love sleeping hahahaha, nice post!!


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