English Language Challenges

Bonjour... Hallo... Salut... Hello to all of you! This will be my last time using this blog… yeah it is a little sad… for you haha because for me it means that I am ending the academic year an holidays are closer… Yei!

Well, communicate with others is something really complex. I remember, years ago, I read an article that said that from all of we think and wanted to say , we only were capable of saying the 60% of that, and our listener only understood the 30% of that…! So imagine how difficult it is to communicate in another language! 

Besides, it’s not only the language you talk it’s also how are you pronouncing the words and how it sounds –the accent, emphasis, the context behind the word, etc.-  American English its very different from Scottish or British English. Or even Chilean Spanish it’s totally different from Spain or Venezuelan Spanish.

So I would say that communicate it’s an art and so it is learning another languages.

For me, learning to read, write and speak English was a journey, but it has felt so natural…I mean, I born in the time of fast communication (Globalization) so I always had listening a lot of music in English and watch movies with subtitles though. Also my mom, who lived in England some years, always tried to teach us the importance of learning the language.

I have never been in an English institute or something like that, so i used to understand more than I can talk fluently. So I guess I would have to practice more that area.  In fact, doing blogs for this class has helped me to develop some skills that I had in a low level, like write and said what I am thinking without sound like an alien haha

Well hope you have an excellent end of year…

Hope to see you around! 


  1. We need Open English!! hahaha
    Good postttttttt

  2. English is really fun!! Great post <3


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