Things i would change to my Study Programme?

Hello to all of you!

I told you some weeks ago that I am studying biochemistry

You’ll see,the last year the university did changes at the academic program. So the subjects I have now are supposed to be in line with the modern world. Our teachers always told us about the relation between what they are teaching us in class with investigations and research about that area. 

For example the other day in chemistry’s lab, they were teaching us how to make crystals, then when my partner and I finished the activity we start to talk with our teacher who told us that she was doing research with crystals and how important was in biochemistry and others chemical sciences.

So we are very lucky to have teachers whose investigations are related with the topics of our classes.

But if I had to change something, that would be probably the infrastructure of our buildings. Five years ago they started to do a number of projects for the remodeling, extension and general improvement of the infrastructure. But It’s not enough, I  really would like our own place for lunch for example, with a lot of space and enough tables for all of us. I would love to have so much more of green areas. That probably would change this place in somewhere peaceful and perfect to study out there. (Sometimes when it’s raining we have no enough space to be, and everything collapse)

In general we are just fine, but when you go to Beuchef’s building for example, you can see the big difference between there and our buildings! I’ts really awful that things like that still happens. But well, I am happy with my teachers, and classmates and wit my career so wish that in the future this things change and this university continue to be one of the best in our country.

See you next week!


  1. it´s very important to have a place were you can launch in peace (to have a little relax time).

  2. The space in the faculty is a really big problem!!

  3. I agree with all that you say!! I WANT MORE PLACES FOR EATING

  4. it´s exaggerate the big difference between Beuchef’s (or medicine, FAU, FEN :c) buildings and our buildings so you say why? nice post!
    PD: I agree with victoria, we need a casino. The casino of odonto has a pigeots hahaha


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